Saturday, February 28, 2009

Not much longer...

Well, the title kinda means 2 things:
First, not much longer til Savannah arrives!!! I am 39 weeks tomorrow and being induced on Tuesday!!! I can't wait! We are definitely feeling the pressure, nervousness, excitement and all the other emotions that go with having a baby!!! We are very prepared at this point! We have tons of clothes (thanks to 2 wonderful baby showers), lots of diapers, all the furniture set up in the nursery and pretty much every little gadget you can think of! Dave's parents have arranged to come into town on Monday, so we won't be alone. Dave will be off 2 weeks and then my mom will come to town for 2 weeks! It'll be great to have help around the house for a whole month before I am alone. By that time, I should have a routine down!
So, the second thing the title means is that I am not sure how much longer it will be that we keep up our blog. My guess is that no one will even read this entry. I'm not surprised though. I haven't done that great of a job keeping up with it! :( And Dave stopped writing on it a long time ago, so it's just me. With the baby arriving, I doubt I'll have the time to spend on here. Anyway, if there is someone out there still checking our blog, don't be surprised if the entries stop one day. I am much better at e-mails and facebook anyway!

Monday, January 05, 2009

31 weeks

Well, today I am 31 weeks along! It definitely is going fast! The holidays were simple and nice...quiet, and probably the last time we'll be able to say that! :) I have another doc appt tomorrow and we've registered for our baby classes. We also bought and set up the changing table and have been buying diapers little by little. I'm slowly starting to feel more prepared! Other than that, not much else new...I am tired and looking very forward to going home to Milwaukee this friday! Seeing family and being off of work is much needed!

Monday, December 22, 2008


Belly at 7 months
Savannah's profile
Savannah looking straight at you!

So here is the 7 month ultrasound. Since we don't have a scanner, it's simply a picture of the ultrasound, so it's kinda fuzzy. I think you get the point though!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

more baby updates

I had another check up on Friday and it went very well. My blood pressure is good, weight good, baby's heart rate good. There is not too much done at these appointments, but it's always reassuring to go and hear that everything is good. I'm now at the stage of pregnancy where I have an appointment every 2 weeks! It seems a little much this early, but I was told every doctor is different. Anyway, it is nice to be able to see her this often and ask questions that come up. Most recently I have had to ask what I can take for a cough. I've had this same dry cough for over 2 weeks now. I feel so bad every time I go into a coughing fit since it shakes up my belly so much. I feel like I'm giving her "shaken baby syndrome" in the womb. Anyway, other than the cough everything is good. :) I am now 7 months and 1 week (tomorrow). I'll post 7 month pics soon.
In other news, however still baby related, Dave surprised me the other day with the stroller and car seat we want! I'm starting to get that anxious feeling, like we're not ready, so every little thing that gets done or purchased makes me feel so much better! This definitely helped!!! We put them together right away and figured out all the latches. I'm very pleased with them! I keep going into the nursery and just staring at them. Weird, maybe...but, it just is all starting to feel so much more real! I can't wait to meet our little girl!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Latest ultrasound

We had another ultrasound today and everything went very well! Last time, Savannah was about 5 months and now she's just a few days short of 7 months, so she looked a lot less skeletal, which was nice! The tech kept commenting on her long fingers and told us that she was a very beautiful baby more than once! Maybe she says that to everyone, but she seemed pretty sincere. In any case, we think she's beautiful! She has big cheeks like me and big lips like Dave! She weighs 2 lbs 8 oz currently and is growing at exactly the rate she should be. So, I'm still due on March 8th. We'll see...some people have a feeling she's going to come early! Stay tuned for 7 month belly pics...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

6 months

It's already been 6 months! It's very hard to believe! No new updates, really. I'm still feeling really good. I don't think I could've asked for a better pregnancy, although it's not over yet! I go for my 6 month check up on Thursday, so hopefully that will be all positive. We continue to go baby shopping on a regular basis, though we try not to buy too much right now. We did lots of research on the furniture, particularly the crib. I think we finally picked out what we want and will probably order it soon! That's all I have...hopefully everything is well with all of you!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's a girl!!!

Most of you already know, but we found out we're having a girl!!! We were both surprised, because almost everyone thought we were having a boy! We are very excited though! I can't believe I'll have my little girl! A shopping partner for life! I love it!!! :) I held off going to any stores for almost a week, but broke down yesterday! I got 4 little outfits all on clearance for a couple bucks each! They are sooo cute! It's crazy how my focus has already shifted...normally when it comes to clothes I only think of myself. I have to admit that I am very selfish in that category! However, now when I go in a store I go right past all my clothes straight to the baby stuff!!! It's so much more fun! :) We'll keep everyone updated! I have another appointment in 3 weeks and another ultrasound in a month and a half!