The Year That Was...
Well everyone, another year has come and gone. I can't believe it's almost 2007 already! Is it just me, or do all of the 'elders' know what they're talking about every time they say, "As you get older, time moves quicker." Either way, it was a year filled with ups and downs, but for the most part, it was a year that made us appreciate everything we have. Let's take a look at what we had:
-Lost a grandparent (Late December of '05, technically)
-Almost lost a dad
-Had a 60th birthday party for said dad
-Finalized MOST of the wedding plans
-New TV and sound system
-PS3 arrived (hint, hint, Laura)
-Laura went to her first NFL game (sorry it wasn't a real team)
-Had our Christmas package stolen
-Got a digital camera
-Won an iPod (still trying to get it to work)
-Laura became addicted to 24 (more addicted than Jack was to heroin in Season 3)
-Visited our beautiful capital city
-Wedding rings!
I'm sure there is more that I am forgetting, and that will be filled in when Laura reads this, but those were a few of the highlights (and some lows), from our year. All in all, it was successful, stressful, and satisfying all in one, and realistically, what more could you ask for? What's there to look forward to in 2007 you say...well, only the biggest party of the century coming in June, but I'm sure everyone will be kept up to date on that! My final prediction as we close out 2006...Packers over the Bears 24-10. In case you don't like my pick, try this one on for size:
Packers (+3) over BEARS
For all you college kids reading this, we implore you, do not play ANY form of the "Let's drink every time Brett Favre gets mentioned" game on Sunday night. You will die.