The latest
We finally can see our wedding pictures on line!!!! All of you can view them as well. Just go to and click on "view an event". Then enter the password edwardfoxkoch to see all the pictures!!! We are very pleased with how they turned out! You can also order prints! I tried cheating by saving the pictures to the computer, but this one is the only one that would work! I was shocked I was even able to get one. Anyway, enjoy!
In other news, Hurricane Dean is on his way. We just went through some major flooding from Tropical Storm Erin, so people are pretty worked up about this storm. It recently gained strength, but also shifted direction. As of now, we should only get some rain; Mexico will be hit hardest. Although, these storms are very unpredictable. Updates are on the news and running across the bottom of the tv all the time. On my way to work today, I passed several signs on the freeway that said..."Hurricane forming in the gulf. Keep gas tank full". And of course people are buying generators, bottled water and plywood already! We should know more in the next couple days. It's supposed to hit on Thursday. I'll keep my gas tank full, but I don't think all those other precautions are necessary yet. And for those of you not in Texas, please keep in mind that the news by you only shows the really devastating effects of any storm. My poor Mom will watch the news and think we are completely under water, when I may or may not have even seen one flooded road. Not to down play the storms, but they always make it look worse than it is. Erin, however, did allow me to see the worst flooding so far in my 3 years here. The zoo was almost completely under water. Although no buildings flooded, almost all the public pathways and outdoor exhibits were under water. At one
point I was wading through a street in our employee parking lot with water past my knees. 3 hours later when I left for work, there was no more than a few large puddles. Many freeways were closed, which made it take an hour longer for me to get home. All in all, we weren't affected too much. The power went out at Dave's work, so he actually got to come home early. Well, we will continue to keep our eye on the storm and we'll keep everyone updated.