Thursday, August 17, 2006

Off to Cheese Land

Well, my bag is packed and I'm ready to go back to Milwaukee for the weekend! I am leaving poor Dave at home while I do some wedding planning and hang out with the family. I will miss him terribly! It's a short and busy weekend, so I have very little time to hang out with anyone, so if you are one of the people who have not heard about me coming into town, I'm sorry, but don't be offended. I am dedicating this weekend mainly to my parents. I miss them like crazy and can't wait to spend some quality time together. Michael and Traci are coming into town too, so I'll get to spend some time with them as well! It's a much needed little break from work, which has been very hectic lately.
Anyway, I'm off and will talk to you all soon! And for those of you in Houston...yes, I will try to bring some authentic Wisconsin Cheese Curds home! Hopefully they will let them on the plane. I don't think they will cause an explosion! :)

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