Monday, September 17, 2007

Well, I know we haven't written anything for a while, but there really isn't too much new. My parents are coming on Friday, which I am very excited about!!! We don't have many plans at this point. We plan to do a lot of relaxing! I'll be taking them behind the scenes at the zoo in elephants, lions, african wild dogs and orangs, which will be lots of fun!!! We also have a dinner planned with Martha, Ruben, Dana and Ruben on Saturday! Other than those things we have nothing else planned.

The only other new thing would be my hair. Yes, I changed it again! When Dave and I went to see The Bourne Ultimatum, we both really liked Julia Stiles' hair! Dave told me that he would love it if I would get my hair like that, so yesterday I did!!!! It is now a little shorter than shoulder length and brown with blonde and red highlights! It looks way different, but very fun! Oh, I also have bangs again!!!! I'll try to take pictures soon!

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