Sunday, February 26, 2006

Oh What A Night

Greetings and Salutations! So last night Laura and I went over to my cousins house to hang out, get some food and play some games. He and his wife invited over two other couples, so we knew it was going to be a good time. After a good couple of helpings of chicken fajitas (and rice of course), we started to play a game called Catch Phrase. Basically, for those of you who are unsure about what it is, you are given a word and you have to describe it without saying that word or trying to rhyme it with anything. We split it up as boys vs. girls, and let me just tell you, I have not laughed that much when playing a game in a LONG time. I mean, I know it sounds easy, but some of the things people were coming up with just from only getting one description were hilarious. We really got into this game, and it is certainly going to become a member of our family very soon.

Anyway, back to the real reason for this post. Now, my cousins, as with most Mexican families, are big into boxing. So of course, the Mosley/Vargas fight was on last night. Now, I am not necessarily big on fights, and I know Laura hates boxing with a passion, but last night was something to watch. In case you missed it, Mosley won on a TKO with 1:22 left in the 10th. Vargas didn't get knocked out, but his left eye was so swollen, the doctors at ringside couldn't even see his eye! Now, most fights I've seen have been somewhat boring and uneventful, but this was truly a sight to see. The fight was good, the action was good, and it was interesting to see round by round Vargas' eye get more and more swollen. I'm not saying that I will be watching fights on a regular basis from now on, but I had to put in my two cents after last night!

So, a fun night of games, a man becoming hideously disformed from a fight, and a lot of good food! Who could ask for anything more!!! In case you are all interested in seeing what I was talking about from the fight, here is a picture of Vargas after the fight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like me the last time I told your mother "I'll get to it when I'm darn good and ready".