Sunday, February 26, 2006

T-minus 1 day!!!!!!

That's right, tomorrow night Laura will be experiencing her first Less Than Jake concert. We will be at the Engine Room here in Houston around 7 or 7:30. Now, I've see these guys about 10 times back in Milwaukee, and every time the show was better than the last. The last show I was at was last May at The Rave. Not only was I right up in front (as usual), but I was lucky enough to catch one of their guitar picks that they threw into the crowd. Less Than Jake, to me, is like Aerosmith to Laura. And for any of you that know Laura, you know how much she LOVES them, and would do anything to see them.

Actually, now that I mention Laura, I am very surprised how much she has gotten into LTJ. I never thought of her as the type of person who would like this music, but I guess I was wrong. I'm not saying she's a "diehard" fan or anything like that, but she can sing along now with the best of them:) For any of you that have never heard any of their songs, do yourself a favor and check them out. You won't regret it. Just follow the link on the side of the page, and enjoy! Hopefully after tomorrow night I'll have some cool merch to tell you about.

So, we'll be talking to all of you in a few days, and try to give Laura a call on Tuesday morning so you can hear how much fun she had:)

"Well I'm half awake and half a world away, all my past mistakes and every misspent day, proves that I'll never change, I'll always stay the same...I wouldn't have it any other way"

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